Now a days a person can earn money for his daily living from the internet by sitting at home and drinking coffee. This can be done with help of a good website or a blog.If you have a nice website then there are lots of method for earning money online but what if you do not have your website or a blog .Don`t worry because today i will explain you a method to earn money online without having a website or a blog.By using this method you can earn money online by just uploading files and publishing download links of those files over the social networking sites like facebook , twitter etc .The service which pays you for uploading files is Dollarupload.
The details of the method on how to make money online without having a website are given below.
How to make money with Dollar upload
DollarUpload is website that pays you for uploading files to their servers.When the user downloads a file uploaded by you the you get paid by the dollarupload .It pays upto 1$ per download of that file.This amount of money may vary according to the loaction of the download.
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