Sunday, 7 July 2013

Safety on Facebook [Guide for Beginners] Part 2

facebook privacy settings via groovypinkblog Safety on Facebook [Guide for Beginners] Part 2Facebook privacy has been changed over the last year. The access to privacy settings is more user-friendly and finally is not that complicated. In my previous post: “Safety on Facebook [Guide for Beginners]Part 1″ I shared information regarding passwords, privacy settings shortcuts, activity log and who can search for you on Facebook.

Timeline privacy

    update status – when you update your Facebook status you have the option to set privacy settings for individual post (update status) even if your general privacy settings on your Timeline are set to “Public” or “Friends” you can still change those settings just for the individual post. All you need to do is to select who can see your update: “public/friends/only me/custom”.
    facebook status update privacy Safety on Facebook [Guide for Beginners] Part 2

    Private message

    In case you want to send a “private message” to one or more friends on Facebook go to “messages”
    facebook private message Safety on Facebook [Guide for Beginners] Part 2
    and click on “+new message” then add name or names of your Facebook friends who are going to receive your private message.
    facebook private message2 Safety on Facebook [Guide for Beginners] Part 2

    Facebook Graph Search

    Facebook Graph Search search any “public” information published by Facebook users, whether it’s Facebook Page you “liked” or your status update (as long as you published it as public). If you want to make sure that all the content you shared on Facebook is secured then simply go to “activity log”.
    Here you can watch a short good explanation on the misleading status message floating around Facebook about Graph Search:

    Additional useful information regarding Facebook settings:

    Friendly reminder: make sure to take time to check the different Facebook privacy and account settings that are available. Don’t forget about strong and unique password. Do not share sensitive content (home address, etc.) unless you really want to.
    Have fun!

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