Thursday, 13 June 2013

How to Increase Traffic and Page Views in Blogger?

 Decent amount of traffic to a blog is the dream of every blogger. All hard working and work addicted bloggers do a lot of things to gain massive amount of traffic to their blog because without it, we are not able to success in our blogging career. Here at, I have shared a lot of tips and tricks to increase blog traffic and page views. Today, I’ll provide the compilation of all those methods and ideas so that you can learn about the strategies that work awesomely to maximize the traffic to a blog.

Tips and Tricks to Increase Blog Traffic and Page Views

I have divided this post into two sections of Tips and Tricks that really works to increase traffic to blog. Doing so will help you to understand what tips and tricks we can apply to our blog to increase its popularity. Let first start with the tips which are necessary for every blog in any niche.

Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

When you first create a blog on blogger, then definitely you search on Google that how to increase traffic to blogger. And this is the most common question asked by newbie bloggers. That's why I published a post so that they can also know the ways that can help them to improve traffic to their blog. I have short listed all those working tips in below post. You must check it out.

6 Tips To Increase Blog Traffic

Tips to Increase Blog Page Views

As same as blog traffic, increasing blog page views is also important. If you are not able to make your blog sticky for your readers then they will leave your blog without reading more posts. For a successful blog, page views are most important to increase. If you are thinking that how we can increase page views of our blog, then there is no need to worry. When you read below post then you will be amazed how easy that is. Don't miss to read it.

Top 5 Tips To Increase Blog Page Views

Tricks to Increase Blog Traffic

 There are two tricks to increase traffic from search engines. I have already shared them with my regular readers on this blog. But I would like to mention both of them in today’s post. If you have missed them in past, then must read today and get new ways to build up blog traffic.

Use Google Webmaster Tool

If you are reading this post, then I am damn sure that you are aware with Google Webmaster Tool. This tool has some amazing features that we can use to improve our blog’s SERP.

When you log in to your Google Webmaster Tool’s account, there you will get an option to check search queries (search terms that people used to land on your blog). You can use those search queries to increase your blog traffic. Have confused? Don’t worry. Simply check below post and you will come to know that how easy is this to use those search terms for blog’s benefit.
Increase Blog Traffic Using Google Webmaster Tool

Use Blog Comments

If you know some SEO, then you definitely know the term ‘Blog Commenting’ that is commonly used by SEO experts. Blog commenting, no doubt, is one of the best ways to increase traffic and build relations with other bloggers. We must leave valuable comments on other blogs under same niche. But this is not that trick which I want to share.

Actually the trick is that, start working to increase comments on your own blog. When you will be able to improve comments on your blog, then your blog ranking in search results will also improve.

Now the question is how comments can improve SERP? To know the answer of this obvious question must check below post, where you will get list of answers of the same question. You will be surprised after knowing the real power of blog comments.
How Comments Can Increase Organic Traffic or SERP?

Your Turn!

I tried my best to provide all tips and tricks to increase traffic to your blog. Now it's your turn to apply them on your blog. If you really want to make your blogging career successful then always keep them in your mind. First be able to build your blog readership then revenue to your blog will automatically increase. Best of luck!

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